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Neil Hancock - Online Memorial Website

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Neil Hancock
Born in New Mexico
70 years
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Steve Crump
I servered with Neil in Vietnam...aka Georgie Dunbar....It was written on his hemlet. I was drawn to him, and his smile.
Steve Goodman
Neil was a good friend and a good man. We will miss you. Till we meet again. Steve, Vicki, and Bosley.
Matt Collins
I did not know Niel, and only recently discovered his books. His stories were miraculous. Mr. Hancock, God bless you.
Jim and Michelle Bittick
Raising a coffee mug to you, Niel, along with a Dunkin Donut or Krispy Kreme! Great memories, stories, riding, jokes, and laughs.
Bette Woltz
You were just a name on the computer 12 years ago, but now you are so much more. You helped so much, I know you have fresh horses,
marya ursin
Sweet sweet man of such wise wandering ways, with a snuffy laugh and otter joys, listening to your story - it goes on, with love
Safari Larry Baker
Niel, God Bless ya, All the words and smiles of encouragement, experience meant a lot...meant a lot for-ever-more.
Scott Leever
I will miss our chats at Startlebucks. I guess your one those angels sitting on my shoulder now.
Tad, Shari, Kyle & Malia Ochs
Snuffy, we love and miss you very much. You left us too soon. We will retell your stories and adventures to the kids always. xo
bob flegal
Till we minnow around again. Peace upon you my friend.
Barb McKernan Sack Brooks
Peace out; Rock & ride on ...
Ken Korn
Dear Niel, you leave a large hole in a lot of lives with your passing. Always a hug, and scritches for the pups.
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