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Neil Hancock - Online Memorial Website

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Neil Hancock
Born in New Mexico
70 years
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Dan Lyman We only crossed paths once in this life March 20, 2012

    Niel and my family sat and visited for a few hours in the middle of nowhere one afternoon, if I recall the boys and Neil both had a apple juice from the Panamint City store and sat on the porch talking about motorcycles until the sun was over the hills and the hot late May Death Valley sun had cooled down.  We are going to do our best to exploring more of Death Valley this spring, this time year is the best, I always wanted to cross paths with Neil again and thought of him often, he will be missed. “I call it belonging to the Near Miss Club......” as Neil said in one of his e mails to us.

God Speed
The Lyman Family
Southern Califorina

Bill Gooch Happy Trails Niel May 27, 2011
Niel, you rascal!  Thanks for being a great friend.  Happy trails forever, ride on.

Jim and Michelle Bittick An Honored Friend May 24, 2011
Jim and I spent many years as part of the Lone Star BMW community and the Hill Country BMW Riders.  Niel and Toasty were always participants of our riding events.  What a great couple...both so in love with life and each other.

Jim spent many hours having coffee with Niel at the shop...because that is Jim's favorite past time...talking and drinking coffee.  Jim and Niel enjoyed many a story and joking around.  Can still see and hear Niel's great laugh as he looked at me shaking his head after a joke or comment that Jim had made.  They had a great time together.  They also shared military stories, and to this day, Jim remembers all of the experiences that Niel shared.

I was fortunate to have Niel mentor one of my 6th grade Austin ISD students and encourage him to write.  He came to O. Henry to meet the young man, and that youngster never forgot that a published author came to see and talk with HIM!  That special gesture will always live with me.

Our prayers go out to Toasty and family.  Wish we could be in SAT on the 31st, but we are now living in Wisconsin.  Our hearts will be with you.  Niel, continue your journey of writing, riding, and adventure in Heaven, Honored Friend.
Moira and Evan Zinn You'll be missed May 24, 2011
Oh, the stories.... I can only wish to have the tremendous stories you shared with us.  Ride on, my friend.  
Cherie Johnson A friend deep in my heart garden May 24, 2011
Niel, I know you know that no matter where the body goes, our spirits are always together.  So sorry it wasn't in the stars for us to see each other last Sept while I was in San antonio.  You have been with me in spirit for more years than I can count and will continue to reside there for as long as I am in this earth body.  I finally got the bike of my dreams this past week - a Honda 750 Magna RED, of course, as it is my favorite color.  Was hoping to ride with you on one of your treks, but instead I get to think of you while riding on my own.  You never met Gene, my awesome husband, but you would have liked him.  He is following his dream now of writing and having a blast doing it.  Will always remember the Circle of Light.  You will always be in our circle of light.  Love you my brother and fellow traveler.  See you in the morning sun!
Kevin McKenzie Condolences May 23, 2011
Hey Brother Niel -- we'll get that ride together we always talked about, but it'll be in the next life. I'm sorry you're gone too early from this one... at least you've got some old friends to get together with where you are now. Safe travels always.  My sympathies and condolences to his friends and family, who were privileged to be close to such a gentle man.   Kevin
Randy Umbs Missing Niel May 22, 2011
Niel and I never met, but we knew each other enough that I cried hard when I got the news and saw the photos.  There was a ride being planned this fall and of course nothing in life is ever carved in stone, the Buddhist teachings of impermanence come to mind.

I offer my deepest sympathies to all friends and family of this great man.  He will not be forgotten ~ "The Other Side" is suddenly far richer than our side. 



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